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What has the hit "Umume-chan" changed?

Jam Fever

Recently, the online retail platform appeared jam heat. According to the data, the plum sauce once rushed to the 8th hot search on the retail platform because of the song Plum Sauce, and the search volume in the station skyrocketed 200 times in a short period of time. Apple sauce, blueberry sauce and other related jam products sales in the past three days increased by more than 100%.


Jam (food classification number: refers to the sauce products made of fruit as the main raw material through crushing, or beating, adding sugar or other sweet materials, concentration, canning, sterilization and other processes. Jam has long existed in China. According to records, as early as in the reign of Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, Nanning, Guangxi province, was rich in jam made of yellow peel fruit. Although most domestic consumers have not developed the habit of eating jam on a daily basis, it cannot be denied that the C-end retail market of jam in China is constantly expanding.


According to the data of the China Essence, Fragrance and Cosmetics Industry Association, the C-end retail scale of jam in China was 4 billion yuan in 2020, an increase of 18.8% compared with 2019.The compound annual growth rate from 2014 to 2020 reached 14.6%.


As a fruit processing product, jam not only has a long shelf life, easy to preserve, more convenient transportation, but also has the natural flavor of fresh fruit. Therefore, jam is widely used in food and beverage processing and catering industry, and is generally used as western cooking seasoning, meal spreading and baking pastries and other product production scenes.



According to the Market Data Forecast, the global jam and preserves market is valued at $8.46 billion in 2022, with a compound annual growth rate of 3.58% over the next five years, and is expected to reach $9.87 billion by 2028.

Jam" option

Ingredion's Asia-Pacific market survey found that consumers from China pay the most attention to food labels and ingredients, with about 85% of Chinese consumers paying attention to the ingredient list when buying food and having a strong resistance to "unclean" ingredients such as artificial additives.


According to an Innova consumer survey, 25% of consumers worldwide express a preference for 100% all-natural plant pigments.AMD's data also shows that 62% of consumers say they actively avoid products with artificial colors when buying food and beverages.

"Natural pigments" make jams more in line with contemporary consumer needs


From the C end, the popularity of healthy life concept and the improvement of purchasing power have continuously improved the requirements for the quality and nutrition of jam products.Especially under the trend of healthy consumption, the improvement of people's requirements for food quality drives the gradual high-end of jam products. At the same time, with the increase of people's demand for a healthy diet, low-calorie healthy jam products without added preservatives, sugar, and artificial colors have appeared one after another.

During the process of making jam, the natural pigments contained in some fruits themselves may change color or fade.In order to restore or improve the color of food, it is necessary to use colorants.In addition to enhancing the color of jam, it can also have an impact on the senses of consumers. For example:


Strawberry jam, cherry jam, cranberry jam and other red jam - can add natural pigments such as monascus red, red rice red, radish red, carmine cochineal, lac red, beet red, grape skin red, showing a red color, giving people a strong and delicious feeling, and eye-catching, can stimulate consumers to buy;


Yellow peach jam, mango jam, osmanthus jam and other orange jam - can add natural pigments such as natural carotene, beta-carotene, turmeric, lutein, annatto extract , showing an orange color, giving people a strong sweet, mellow feeling.


Blueberry jam, blackcurrant jam, mulberry jam and other blue-purple jam - can add natural pigment gardenia blue, showing blue-purple color, giving people a mysterious, quiet and healthy feeling.


The above mentioned natural pigments and their specific usage amount and industry categories can be referred to the relevant provisions in the "National Food Safety Standard For Food Additives Use" . Please scan the following QR code to enter the query page:


More colors of jam or other food industry can be customized according to demand,

For more natural pigments and related information, please call us or mail us:



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