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From April to September, a period of frozen food industry expects every year, is even more anticipating in 2024.

According to China Ice Cream, a professional journal of China's ice cream and frozen food industry, the National Meteorological Observatory released a news on June 12, 2024, the high temperature "scorched" the land of north China, 35 ~ 39℃ high temperature weather occurred in Hebei, middle-south Beijing, Tianjin, middle-south Shanxi, middle Shaanxi, Henan, Shandong, north Anhui and Xinjiang along the Tianshan Mountains. The temperature in Middle-south Hebei, south Tianjin, north Henan and Turpan, Xinjiang and other places reached 40 ~ 43.4℃. The temperature range area above 40℃ has expanded compared with the previous day. Shijiazhuang’s 41.2℃ became the second provincial capital city after Haikoucity broke 40℃ level this year .

Under such weather, everyone has also played a fancy "trick" to relieve the summer heat. Umbrellas, hats and sun-protective clothing are the most basic equipment, and in addition, the "C position" of frozen drinks is quite stable.



According to IMedia Consulting's 2023 "China Ice Cream Industry Development and Consumer Behavior Survey Data", up to 54.75% of consumers believe that product innovation is the top priority in the optimization path of the ice cream industry.

Functional ingredients and additional health benefits are not the only new features in the global ice cream industry that are generating strong interest to consumer. Consumers are more and more "adventurous" and are increasingly interested in non-traditional ice cream flavors and novel looks.

In the early years, a corn-shaped ice cream appeared, becoming one of the classic ice cream until today, and consumers began to expect innovative shapes for frozen drinks:


In recent years, ice creams are of new flavors and innovative appearances have been seizing the market share - fruit, scenic buildings, or other lovely shape ice creams, attract the attention of many consumers with their  lovely color and shape :

"When an ice cream is photographed and posted on social media, its mission is 50% completed." "Short video marketing has really boosted the entire ice cream industry." Shenyang Fengkeqi food frozen drinks R&D institution, project consulting manager Zhang Yufeng said in "China ice cream" .

How can frozen drinks, including ice cream, join the " Shape involution" team?

According to the relevant stipulations of "GB 2759-2015 National Food Safety Standard for Frozen Drinks and Ingredients", frozen drinks are defined as follows: Frozen drinks and ingredients are solid or semi-solid foods composed of drinking water, sugar, milk, dairy products, fruit and vegetable products, beans, edible oils and fats, etc., with or without adding other accessories, food additives, and food nutrition fortifiers, processed through ingredients, pasteurization or sterilization, freezing or similar methods, Which include ice cream, ice cream bars, ice slush, Popsicle, sweet ice, edible ice and so on. How can frozen drinks be endowed with appealing colors in various novel shapes? Natural pigments might be the key to creating the perfect frozen drink products.

  Single natural pigments can cover the colors of numerous classic flavors. For example, for orange-yellow frozen drinks, orange-yellow series natural pigments, such as natural carotene, beta-carotene, gardenia yellow, turmeric, carthamins yellow, lutein, and annato extracts can be employed.

For frozen drinks that need to be shaped in red, paprika red, carmine cochineal, sorghum red, beet red, and radish red natural pigments can be used:


There are also commonly seen grape flavors, taro flavors, blueberry flavors of frozen drinks. Generally, spirulina blue, gardenia yellow and purple sweet potato color are used to achieve blue- purple colors:

There are also vegetable carbon and cacao husk pigment, which give the frozen drink brown- black colors:


For more color requirements, customization can be made according to client demand.

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