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The food production industry is perpetually innovating in terms of appearance. The black appearance of food that has emerged in recent years can be differentiated from other similar products in terms of color, thereby appearing particularly eye-catching.

Black, as a "dark" color, possesses a potent visual impact. According to the "AI + Fashion: China's post-1995s Popular Color Report", black is the favorite color of China's post-1995s. Black represents the unknown, imparting a sense of ethereal mystery. Simultaneously, the black design inherently has the feelings of "elegance", "solemnity" and "coolness". If you aim to make the product meet the high-end positioning, then black is undoubtedly the optimal choice.

Our daily food is always presented in diverse colors such as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, being colorful. Among them, black has never been the favored food color of consumers due to its lack of magnificence.

However, in recent years, "black" has made a name for itself - it alters the traditional appearance of food and becomes increasingly popular among food enthusiasts. Black food does not present as a "dark" and strange appearance; what lies beneath might be the world's rare delicacies. How many of the following popular black foods have you consumed?


The classic black omelette with a creamy filling unlocks the door to black snacks.


The color of the cuttlefish dumplings are extremely overbearing , but they taste delicate and tender.


The lofty and cold black color combined with frozen drink is the new favorite in summer.


Carbon black ice cream, once popular, is a fashionable item that many young people have tasted!


The appearance level of the black burger has made an impressive debut on social media.

In the production of numerous black foods, carbon black is one of the commonly utilized natural pigments.

Carbon black (Vegetable carbon ) is a natural food additive, which is a food additive fabricated from dried plants and shells as raw materials, carbonized and refined. It is an insoluble coloring agent, thus it is typically employed in the form of suspension and is usually utilized as a masking agent. It features natural origin, good stability and strong adsorption performance. The product quality standard " National Food Safety Standard for Food Additives Carbon black" (GB 28308-2012) provides sensory and physical and chemical indicators. Specific reference is as follows:

For more specific industry categories and usages, please refer to the relevant provisions in the "GB2760 National Food Safety Standard for Food Additive Use ". For details, please refer to the following:

Human beings have a high sensitivity to color (especially to food). As one of the colors in the color family, black in today's food production industry is no longer synonymous with negative images and negative emotions. A variety of brand creativity and endless product innovation endow black food with more possibilities. For more information about carbon black or other color requirements, please click below to enter the mini program of Jinghao Mall:

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