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When it comes to the colorful appearances presented by food, the yellow appearance of food always attracts consumers more. Because yellow can prompt the body to secrete the happy substance, 5-hydroxytryptamine, stimulate people's happiness, and also stimulate appetite.

Therefore, yellow natural pigments are widely utilized in the food manufacturing industry. Among the yellow series of natural pigments, turmeric is currently one of the natural food colors with the largest sales worldwide and is approved for use as a food additive by the World Health Organization, the United States Food and Drug Administration, and many other countries.

As a member of the ginger family, turmeric is widely used as an herb, cosmetic ingredient, and dietary supplement, as well as a natural pigment, a popular spice in many Indian and Asian dishes, and an important ingredient in curries.

According to the "2023-2029 China Turmeric Industry Development Status Survey and Prospect Strategic Analysis Report" specially launched by Zhiyan Consulting, in 2022, the market size of turmeric in China was approximately 231 million yuan, with an increase of 2.21%.

Turmeric and curcumin products have become a mainstream trend in market development, and the related dietary supplements, food/beverage products, and turmeric natural pigment markets continue to grow.

Turmeric is derived from the roots of turmeric (CurCumaLOnga L), extracted and refined by organic solvents. It has a bright yellow color and is often used in the food industry to add color and aroma to products.

Turmeric is yellow to dark red brown powder, extract or liquid, with a unique smell of turmeric, featuring strong coloring power, bright color, strong thermal stability, safety and non-toxicity, and is regarded as one of the most valuable edible natural pigments. It is also one of the natural pigments with high safety as stipulated by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

Product quality standard National Food Safety Standard Food Additive Turmeric (GB 1886.60-2015) stipulates the sensory, physical and chemical indicators. Please refer to the following for details:

Turmeric is widely used in various food production and manufacturing. Its specific use in industry categories and usage refers to the relevant provisions in the "GB2760 National Food Safety Standard for Food Additive Use ". For specific reference, please refer to the table below:

For more information about turmeric or other color needs, please click below to enter the Jinghao Mall mini program:

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